1. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“华北平原保护性耕作禾豆模式土壤固碳效应及其稳定机制的研究(32001486)”,2021-2023,项目主持。
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“华北麦玉系统不同农作措施下水碳氮效率的Meta研究(2018M631633)”,2018-2019,项目主持。
3. 国家重点研发计划政府间科技创新合作项目“中澳农田土壤有机碳和水氮需求智能预测与管理技术(2021YFE0114500)”,2022-2024,专题主持。
4. 气候智慧型农业—华北平原和东北地区秸还田与土壤健康促进项目“河北省项目区秸秆还田技术模式筛选(SR-2021-04)”,2021-2023,专题主持。
5. “秸秆还田对农田土壤地力影响效果检测评估”,2022,项目主持。
围绕保护性农业与农田绿色低碳生产的理论及技术开展研究,发表论文50余篇。其中,以第一作者或通讯作者在Global Change Biology, Advances in Agronomy, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment等期刊发表论文20余篇。参与《耕作学》教材、《气候智慧型农业理论与模式》《我国保护性农业实践与发展战略》专著等编写。近年来主要论文(*为通讯作者):
1. Kan, Z.R., Liu, W.X., Liu, W.S., Lal, R., Dang, Y.P., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2022. Mechanisms of soil organic carbon stability and its response to no‐till: A global synthesis and perspective. Global Change Biology, 28(3), pp.693-710.
2. Zhao, X., He, C., Liu, W.S., Liu, W.X., Liu, Q.Y., Bai, W., Li, L.J., Lal, R. and Zhang, H.L., 2022. Responses of soil pH to no‐till and the factors affecting it: A global meta‐analysis. Global Change Biology, 28(1), pp.154-166.
3. Liu, W.X., Wei, Y.X., Li, R.C., Chen, Z., Wang, H.D., Virk, A.L., Lal, R., Zhao, X. * and Zhang, H.L., 2022. Improving soil aggregates stability and soil organic carbon sequestration by no-till and legume-based crop rotations in the North China Plain. Science of The Total Environment, p.157518.
4. Pu, C., Chen, J.S., Wang, H.D., Virk, A.L., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2022. Greenhouse gas emissions from the wheat-maize cropping system under different tillage and crop residue management practices in the North China Plain. Science of The Total Environment, p.153089.
5. Zhao, X., Pu, C., Ma, S.T., Liu, S.L., Xue, J.F., Wang, X., Wang, Y.Q., Li, S.S., Lal, R., Chen, F. and Zhang, H.L., 2019. Management-induced greenhouse gases emission mitigation in global rice production. Science of the Total Environment, 649, pp.1299-1306.
6. Virk, A.L., Lin, B.J., Kan, Z.R., Qi, J.Y., Dang, Y.P., Lal, R., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2021. Simultaneous effects of legume cultivation on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in soil. Advances in Agronomy, 171, pp.75-110.
7. Zhao, X., Virk, A.L., Ma, S.T., Kan, Z.R., Qi, J.Y., Pu, C., Yang, X.G. and Zhang, H.L., 2020. Dynamics in soil organic carbon of wheat-maize dominant cropping system in the North China Plain under tillage and residue management. Journal of Environmental Management, 265, p.110549.
8. Wang, X.D., He, C., Cheng, H.Y., Liu, B.Y., Li, S.S., Wang, Q., Liu, Y., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2021. Responses of greenhouse gas emissions to residue returning in China's croplands and influential factors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 289, p.112486.
9. Virk, A.L., Liu, W.S., Chen, Z., N´Dri Bohoussou, Y., Cheema, M.A., Khan, K.S., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2022. Effects of different tillage systems and cropping sequences on soil physicochemical properties and greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 335, p.108010.
10. Zhao, X., Liu, B.Y., Liu, S.L., Qi, J.Y., Wang, X., Pu, C., Li, S.S., Zhang, X.Z., Yang, X.G., Lal, R. and Chen, F., 2020. Sustaining crop production in China's cropland by crop residue retention: A meta‐analysis. Land Degradation & Development, 31(6), pp.694-709.
11. Kan, Z.R., Virk, A.L., He, C., Liu, Q.Y., Qi, J.Y., Dang, Y.P., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2020. Characteristics of carbon mineralization and accumulation under long-term conservation tillage. Catena, 193, p.104636.
12. Liu, W.X., Liu, W.S., Yang, M.Y., Wei, Y.X., Chen, Z., Virk, A.L., Lal, R., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2023. Effects of tillage and cropping sequences on crop production and environmental benefits in the North China Plain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, pp. 17629-17643.
13. Virk, A.L., Liu, W.S., Niu, J.R., Xu, C.T., Liu, Q.Y., Kan, Z.R., Zhao, X.* and Zhang, H.L., 2021. Effects of Diversified Cropping Sequences and Tillage Practices on Soil Organic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Associated Fractions in the North China Plain. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(2), pp.1201-1212.