2019.10-至今 中国农业大学,农学院,副教授
2018.08-2019.06 University of Southern California,计算生物与生物信息学,博士后
2013.08-2018.08 University of Southern California, 计算生物与生物信息学,博士
2015.08-2017.08 University of Southern California,计算机科学,硕士
2007.09-2011.07 四川大学,统计学,学士
1. Chiu TP, Xin B, Markarian N, Wang Y, Rohs R. 2019. TFBSshape: an expanded motif database for DNA shape features of transcription factor binding sites. Nucleic Acid Research. gkz970.
2. Chu C*, Li Z*, Xin B*, Peng F*, Rohs R, Luo Q, Zhou J. Deep graph embedding for structural learning in ecommerce. In The 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2018. p2007–2015. (* equal contribution)
3. Xin B and Rohs R. 2018. Relationship between histone modifications and transcription factor binding is protein family specific. Genome Research 28: 321–333.
4. Schwörer S, Becker F, Feller C, Baig AH, Köber U, Henze H, Kraus JM, Xin B, Lechel A, Lipka DB, Varghese CS, Schmidt M, Rohs R, et al. 2016. Epigenetic stress responses induce muscle stem-cell ageing by Hoxa9 developmental signals. Nature 540: 428–432.
5. Mathelier A, Xin B, Chiu TP, Yang L, Rohs R, Wasserman WW. 2016. DNA shape features improve transcription factor binding site predictions in vivo. Cell Systems 3: 278–286.
6. Zentner GE, Kasinathan S, Xin B, Rohs R, Henikoff S. 2015. ChEC-seq kinetics discriminates transcription factor binding sites by DNA sequence and shape in vivo. Nature Communications 6: 8733.